Sermonette: For Good Measure

How We Measure The World Around Us

Given 19-Jun-10; 15 minutes



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Using weights and measures characterizes the human life form. We measure time, space, and matter quantitatively. God wants us to measure our ways, taking stock of our priorities, making sure that His Temple (or our relationship with God) takes priority over our own desires. Though everything can be measured by quantity, we can also measure by quality. It is more difficult to measure quality because our individual perceptions are infinitely varied and divided. Qualitative measures are based upon individual tastes, leading to misunderstanding and offense. If we submit to the will of our Heavenly Father, we will sharpen our qualitative measuring skills. To summarize, (1) humans measure everything, (2) God wants us to establish a better relationship with us, (3) He has called a wide variety of people with different backgrounds,and(4) God will establish perfect qualitative standards.

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