Sermonette: He Who is Not Against Us!

Accept and Respect Those Who Do Well

Given 28-May-11; 18 minutes


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It is sometimes difficult to ascertain "who is with us" and "who is against us." Jesus Christ apparently had a more tolerant or more inclusive attitude than some of His disciples. Someone revering Christ's name, even though not called as a follower, should not automatically be considered an enemy or imposter. Jesus Christ had to reprimand His own disciples for lack of humility, demonstrated by their exalting themselves and putting others down. The power of Jesus Christ, like the power of the wind, can be dispersed to whomever Jesus allows His Spirit to fall. God knows who are His. In the present Diaspora of the greater church of God, we dare not exalt one fragment over another, assuming an attitude of smug parochialism for our special understanding or insight. It is not a good idea to judge the motives of some other group, realizing that the Way can be promoted even by seemingly insincere and selfish individuals. We need to be tolerant not only to other segments of the greater church of God, but also to secular "prophets" who are forcefully warning our nation of its transgressions and the likely consequences if we fail to repent as a people.

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