Commentary: American Exceptionalism

Its Roots and Why it is Now an Issue

Given 26-May-12; 11 minutes



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The concept of American exceptionalism is denigrated by secular progressive liberals, who refuse to accept the identity of modern Israel. The Puritan founders, particularly John Winthrop, took this concept exceedingly seriously. In his "Model of Christian Charity," Winthrop warned that if we did not take the responsibility of the "shining city on the hill" seriously, we would indeed become a byword and a curse to the world. The French philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville suggested the strength of America consisted of freedom derived from dependence upon God. With the continuing attack upon American exceptionalism from leftist progressive socialists, it is no wonder the promise of freedom has been incrementally replaced by a stultifying dependence on government and a corresponding attenuation of the creative spirit.


I do not know whether you have ever heard the term "American exceptionalism." But it has become an issue in this presidential election.

The term represents something that is not new to American lore but rather was birthed at the very roots of this nation's beginnings. In fact, a good deal of time before it was ever begun as a nation. It became an issue because people of conservative bent believe in it as a part of America's role as a special, singular nation among all the modern nations of earth. And if one was speaking in terms of religion, they believe that the United States would be termed as a nation sanctified.

Now God's charge to Israel through Moses is very clear. Deuteronomy 7:6 says, "For you are a holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth." And of course, I know that you understand that the word holy means "set apart, different."

I have explained before God meant exactly what He said. He most certainly did not mean that Israel was especially endowed to be better than other nations. Rather, they were more responsible than other nations because their purpose as a nation is clearly stated by the Creator Himself. Other nations simply did not have such specific guidance. By comparison, the other nations of the world simply exist for the time being without the specific purpose and direction given Israel.

The French historian and author, Alexis de Tocqueville, is generally given credit with the coining of the term American exceptionalism. He toured America for several years during the Civil War period, and he wrote his observations in his book, titled, Democracy in America. And he said,

The position of the Americans is therefore quite exceptional. It may be believed that no democratic people will ever be placed in a similar one. Democracy extends the sphere of individual freedom. Socialism restricts it. Democracy attaches all possible value to each man. Socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number. Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference. While democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.

Even Joseph Stalin, dictator of Russia, used the term in the sense of ridicule when he wrote in 1929. In an address of response as to why communism could not make headway in America, he called it in his speech, "The heresy of American exceptionalism." The very fact that this powerful figure, who was an avowed enemy of the United States, would use the term in a derogatory manner, gives an indication that the concept of American exceptionalism held by the American people as a whole, was a powerful force, even in international diplomacy.

However, the man given credit as being the first prominent spokesman of this concept is John Winthrop. He was a Puritan colonist and eventually became governor of Massachusetts. In a speech given in 1630 (note the date: 1630) at a celebration commemorating the 1620 Puritan settlement at Plymouth Rock, he said this (now, he did not use the term directly, but he painted a word picture in his speech, which described the elements that others clearly made parts of the whole of the concept).

He titled his speech, "A Model of Christian Charity." However, to others later who read his speech it became titled, "The Shining City Upon a Hill." In it he explained the unique conditions of the settling of what became America. Remember, this is over 100 years before it was ever even a nation. He explained the unique conditions of the settling of what became America and the incredible potential he envisioned for the future. He said,

For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill and the eyes of all people are upon us, so that if we deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken and so cause him to withdraw his present help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword through the world.

Winthrop clearly perceived the establishment of what became America as an act of God. No other failures, primarily of the revolutionary period and on into the 1800s, clearly made references to the concept that Winthrop expounded. And so the spiritual foundation for this concept was formed and passed on to the American people. Men such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, and Andrew Jackson saw themselves and the nation as one with a manifest destiny.

Now, I am not saying that all their proposals and conclusions were right good and their actions good. I am saying that an attitude formed within the American people that included a concept of God being somehow involved in some way and to some extent in America. And it is this particular belief that modern liberals believe they must destroy. Satan has moved these people to do everything in their power to remove belief in and reliance upon God from public life and replace it with a religion of their choice, which is secularism.

And with this religion, secular liberalism, people can feel religious, but secularism elevates man at the expense of God. They have done this primarily through the universities, as I have spoken on before. It is a simple and gradual process. Universities train people for leadership positions, and so they teach the teachers, who then carry their false concepts into their positions of leadership in the communities around the nation to be transferred on to others. It has worked wonderfully because the people—the sheeples—are essentially defenseless.

One concept liberals absolutely will not accept, and will ridicule through an extremity, is the modern identity of the Israelitish people. They do this in spite of there being fairly clear historical and biblical records of a trail leading out of the Promised Land. This cannot be accepted because it would nullify the lies that Satan started, or spread, in order to hide our identity.

But here is one simple truth that you can hold to. With what nation of people, in fact, the only one in the entire history of the world, is the Bible associated with it? It is the Israelitish people. It is their Book. And in our present time which nations our associated with the Bible? Just flip that over: which nations are associated with the Bible? Well, those of Northwest Europe, especially Britain, and the United States. They absolutely cannot give any authority to this teaching because it would destroy them, if the people actually knew who they are.


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