Forerunner: Preparing Christians for the Kingdom of God

How Unique Are You? (May-June 2011)

May-June 2011
Volume 20, Number 3

A pygmy woman rests after collecting sticks on a tea plantation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The pygmies are a unique people of this world due to their short stature. Others make themselves unique by being the first to do something unusual like climbing Mount Everest or being the first in space or first to the moon. True Christians are unique, too, due to God's calling and gift of the Holy Spirit. What should be our response? (Reuters)

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
Our Uniqueness and Time

Sometimes it is difficult to see how unique each one of us is among the billions of people on earth. John Ritenbaugh explains, however, that we are not only physically unique, but we are also spiritually unique through God's calling and by our receipt of His Holy Spirit. Our special position before God gives us an equally unique opportunity that we do not want to squander.

Ready Answer
Blazing a Trail Through the Wilderness

by Mike Ford

The stories of early American pioneers read like adventure stories, as those intrepid people overcame rugged terrain, hostile natives, frequent deprivation, and their own limitations to open and settle the West. Mike Ford focuses on the story of Daniel Boone and his exploration of the frontier, drawing parallels to a Christian's journey as a firstfruit of God's Kingdom.

Prophecy Watch
'This Gospel of the Kingdom Shall Be Preached'

by David C. Grabbe

Most long-time members of the church of God have Matthew 24:14 indelibly etched on their memories: "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world. . . ." David Grabbe contends that many have failed to understand this verse as a prophecy, and have instead loaded it with meanings that the plain words do not contain. We should be encouraged that, by it, God guarantees that He will finish His work!

A Battle Group for Eastern Europe

by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

A little-known town in Eastern Europe has given its name to a newly formed battle group consisting of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. Richard Ritenbaugh wonders if this military alliance signifies increased instability for Europe and possibly the initial stages of the "feet and toes" of the final manifestation of Nebuchadnezzar's image.

Bible Study
The Miracles of Jesus Christ:
Walking On Water (Part Two)

by Martin G. Collins

Jesus' miracle of walking on the water contravenes everything we know about natural law, showing that God is sovereign and more powerful than the laws He made to govern His creation. Martin Collins examines Peter's test of faith as well as the other disciples' reactions to this astounding demonstration of Christ's divinity.

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