Forerunner: Preparing Christians for the Kingdom of God

Purging the Rumor Bug (December 1999)

December 1999
Volume 8, Number 11

Nothing seems to destroy unity more in a relationship, family, organization, or church faster than a choice rumor. Though God forbids talebearing, it is a constant problem because human nature cannot seem to resist spreading dirt about others. As Christians we must show love by covering other's sins and thereby purge the rumor bug.  (Corel Photo)

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
The Sovereignty of God:
Part Three

In the third part of this series, John Ritenbaugh uses the Beast power of Revelation 13 to compare with God's sovereignty. Who will we yield to in the coming years?

Ready Answer
Purging the Rumor Bug from the Body of Christ

by David F. Maas

We all know about the church grapevine. It's very good in spreading news, but it can be equally as evil when it spreads gossip and rumor. David Maas reveals how gossip harms the gossip himself.

Prophecy Watch
The Prophet

by Staff

Who is the Prophet of Deuteronomy 18? This article takes an in-depth look at this prophecy, showing that its greatest fulfillment is in our Savior, Jesus Christ.

by Mike Ford

Josiah, king of Judah in the late 7th century BC, may have been Judah's best king. Mike Ford uses his example to bring out several points regarding leadership.


by Staff

News, events and trends in relation to biblical prophecy for December 1999.

Bible Study
The Seven Churches (Part Four):

by Staff

The letter to Smyrna contains a rarity among the seven churches: Its Author, Jesus Christ, mentions no criticism of its poor, persecuted members! Instead, He calls them spiritually rich and encourages them to be faithful, even unto death, while they suffer severe troubles. Richard Ritenbaugh probes the paradox of the letter to Smyrna, that those who please God due to their righteousness often suffer most.

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