The Christian Walk (Part Four): Mutual Submission in Godly Fear
Sermon; Given 5/18/2024
America was founded on a tradition of rebellion against authority, overthrowing the absentee British government over a 2 percent tax on tea, declaring, "we will …
Choose One Thing
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 5/17/2024
As we age and our bodies decline, we should be improving spiritually. Instead of trying to do overcome everything at once, choose one thing to focus on.
Character and Leadership
Bible Study/Sermon; Given 5/4/2024
Sovereign God, Not Man
Commentary; Given 5/4/2024
We have all become little 'sovereigns.' Everyone thinks he or she can make up the rules about God's truth, when God is to be the sole arbiter of truth.
The Christian Walk (Part Three): In Wisdom
Sermon; Given 4/29/2024
God wants us to take our salvation seriously, walking in love, light, and wisdom, attaining the know-how to work out our own salvation, redeeming the time.
Behavior Matters
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 4/26/2024
Core Protestant theology decrees that grace by faith alone is the only thing of eternal value, and behavior has no part to play in our eternal life.
The Christian Walk (Part Two): In Light
Sermon; Given 4/23/2024
To His disciples, Christ admonishes us to follow the light, imitate (or do) the light, and become sons of the light; to not just reflect light but become it.
Passover Service 2024
Passover Service; Given 4/21/2024
The Prophecy in Psalm 22
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 4/19/2024
Psalm 22, a well-known Messianic prophecy, focuses on Christ's suffering during His crucifixion, which the gospel writers note as fulfilled prophecy.
The Christian Walk (Part One): In Love
Sermon; Given 4/13/2024
If we submit to God, allowing His spirit to guide us, we can live in the spirit, walking in love.
In the Heart of the Earth
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 4/12/2024
Jesus prophesied He would be 'three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.' Many nominal Christians protest He did not mean exactly what He said.
God Heals Today
Sermonette; Given 3/30/2024
The doctrine of healing has always had a paramount position, declaring that through the stripes of Christ, we are forgiven and our bodies our healed.
Virtues Hard and Soft
Sermon; Given 3/16/2024
The 'hard' virtues displayed by men and 'soft' virtues displayed by women are partial traits of the God being. Both male and female are in His image.
God Has Not Called the Atheist
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 3/8/2024
It is not the church's job to call people into God's church. The Father draws people to Christ, enabling them to believe the true gospel message.
The Days of Our Lives
'WorldWatch' Article; Posted 3/6/2024
The world's population is aging, along with their leaders. Will they be wise "hoary heads" or become old fools suffering diminished mental capacity?
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 3/1/2024
Christ's sacrifice is often not as real as it needs to be, but what He and His Father did for the elect, and ultimately, most of humanity, is priceless
Foundations of Sand
Sermon; Given 2/24/2024
We all have a measure of sand in our foundations, symbolic of the world's evil standards, prioritizing badly, becoming neglectful, and letting things slip.
The Purposes of Aging
Bible Study/Sermon; Given 2/17/2024
Modern society is obsessed with youth and staying young, but aging is a natural process God intended as part of life. Aging is a process for gaining wisdom.
Four Warnings (Part Four): Founded on the Rock
Sermon; Given 2/3/2024
Mixing the solid foundation of Christ's teachings with the sand of worldly philosophies and traditions ends in calamity. We must build on the Rock.
Some Thoughts on Healing
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 1/26/2024
Secular people call healing through faith in God "superstition" or "mind over matter." Yet, God promises to heal, but His promise is not unconditional.