What Does God Treasure?
Sermonette; Given 10/4/2012
The merchant in the Parable of the Pearl of Great Price is not us seeking God, but it is Jesus Christ seeking us. We are the pearl of great price.
The Greatest Treasure
Sermonette; Given 9/29/2012
God's gifts are permanent, but the distractions are many, including alcohol, drugs, a special cause, a family member, or countless other things.
The Belt of Truth
Sermonette; Given 7/28/2012
We must cling to the truth, metaphorically wrapping it around us. The belt of truth holds everything in place, enabling us to stand fast.
Fight for the Widows
Sermonette; Given 5/12/2012
As God has a special place in His heart for the vulnerable and the defenseless, so must we assume a similar role by visiting, defending, and helping them.
Sensitivity To Sin
Sermonette; Given 3/24/2012
Through a hardening of attitudes and a blunting of the boundary between right and wrong, we can lose our sensitivity to sin such that we no longer blush.
Watching With Care
Sermonette; Given 11/26/2011
God is so intent on His creation that not even the falling of a sparrow escapes His attention. God is attentive to things we would consider insignificant.
The Fruits of Forgiveness
Sermonette; Given 10/18/2011
When Stephen forgave all his murderers, Paul may have been deeply impressed and smitten in his conscience. We need to develop a similar orientation of forgiveness.
Armor For Our Armor
Sermonette; Given 8/13/2011
Like moving the shield, using faith requires action. Solders using the spiritual shield of faith gain strength as they join with other solders for God.
The Sword of Defense
Sermonette; Given 1/29/2011
Whatever obstacles we may encounter, we have scriptural weapons (answers) with which to defend ourselves.
Battle Shoes
Sermonette; Given 10/9/2010
Ted Bowling, continuing on the armor of God series, suggested that footwear is a highly important part of a soldier's equipment, giving the ability to stand. In the …
The Hebrew God IS God!
Sermonette; Given 8/21/2010
As a result of passing their test and maintaining their loyalty to God, Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-nego became a sterling witness to the Babylonian hierarchy.
What Do You Take For Granted?
Sermonette; Given 7/3/2010
Do we have a thankful attitude for the myriad blessings God continually bestows upon us? We need to meditate on the things that are going right in our life.
The Law Of Jealousy
Sermonette; Given 5/1/2010
The law of jealousies outlined in Numbers 5:11-31 describes the procedure to find out whether guilt from adultery has been present.
Armor of Integrity and Love
Sermonette; Given 2/20/2010
Integrity and righteousness (God's character), anchored by the belt of truth, protects us from being compromised from misguided self-will and self-righteousness.
Protection of the Mind
Sermonette; Given 12/19/2009
We do not have the power to defeat Satan and his minion of demons without the armor and intervention of God, but we still have things we must do.
Life in the Quarry
Sermonette; Given 10/24/2009
In Solomon's temple, all of the stones were chiseled and shaped in the quarry so that no tool had to be used as they were assembled at the temple site.
Taking Care With the Tares
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 8/31/2009
The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares warns of false brethren within the fellowship. Jesus Christ exemplified how to interact with them in a godly manner.
Care Toward a Tare
Sermonette; Given 5/16/2009
We must be extremely slow to judge, realizing that some wheat matures slower than others, requiring patience on the part of the faster growing wheat.
What Is True Beauty?
Sermonette; Given 3/28/2009
One form of beauty is the unity of relationships emanating from God's outgoing love, enabling a lifetime of service and sacrifice for one another.
From Separation to Refinement
Sermonette; Given 1/10/2009
Through tests of faith, Elijah was incrementally augmented for greater service. Likewise, We must be willing to submit to God's refining processes.