Sermonette; Given 3/14/2015
We should not bring about needless persecution on ourselves or on the body of Christ because of our foolish texting, posting, tweeting, or e-mailing.
Leaves of Healing?
Sermonette; Given 1/10/2015
God created the healing and medicinal attributes of leaves and herbs, including the Tree of Life described in Revelation 22:1-2.
Assassination of Character
Sermonette; Given 11/29/2014
Assassinations have occurred frequently. There is an extremely dangerous kind of assassination—namely, character assassination through murmuring and gossip.
A Table is Laid
Sermonette; Given 10/10/2014
We have direct access to the Holy of Holies. God desires us to be at His table where we can always be in His presence, partaking of spiritual food as His family.
Offering From the Heart
Sermonette; Given 10/4/2014
The most significant offering ever given to a dignitary—gold, frankincense, and myrrh—was given to Jesus Christ by the magi.
Divided Loyalty
Sermonette; Given 9/6/2014
The word 'loyalty' is not found in the Bible, but is denoted by other words such as 'faithfulness' and 'steadfastness', and applies to allegiance to God or man.
Sons of Thunder
Sermonette; Given 7/12/2014
James and John had great zeal, but initially lacked eloquence and wisdom. Similarly, we need God to redirect our efforts to His purpose rather than our own.
Doubting Thomas?
Sermonette; Given 5/31/2014
Many of us borrow trouble by imagining the worst things possible may happen. Sometimes the things we fear may actually work out for our advantage.
Are We Good Comforters?
Sermonette; Given 4/19/2014
II Thessalonians 2:16-17 emphasizes comfort and consolation. The words of comfort we give to others should be true, helpful, inspiring, necessary, and kind.
Christ Riding the Donkey
Sermonette; Given 3/8/2014
In Scripture, riding a donkey denoted kingship and royalty, as well as wealth. Jesus riding on a donkey indicated he was not a common man but a King.
Walking in the Spirit
Sermonette; Given 12/14/2013
Walking in the Spirit describes a way of life in which one becomes motivated by the prompts of God's Holy Spirit.
'Jesus Wept' Twice
Sermonette; Given 10/19/2013
Tears are involved in a large part of the Bible, including those of David and Christ, who wept over Jerusalem. God promises to 'wipe away every tear.'
What Does it Take to Survive?
Sermonette; Given 9/19/2013
The solutions to our trials should prove that God doesn't leave outcomes to chance. As we face our own Red Seas, we must remember that God calls survivors.
Deforestation of Israel
Sermonette; Given 8/24/2013
In the Bible, trees, thorns and briars can depict people. Whether we speak of forests as literal or symbolic, we cannot afford to take our forests for granted.
God Knows Our Heart
Sermonette; Given 7/6/2013
Whether our temptations consist of sex, food, money, clothing, fame, or power, we must use God's spirit to make sure we never lose contact with Him.
How Are We Responding to God's Call?
Sermonette; Given 5/19/2013
The invitation in the parable of the wedding feast in Matthew 22 could have symbolized the calling given to ancient Israel, which was rebuffed.
Souls Knit Together (Part Two)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 5/3/2013
Jonathan apparently had no qualms about David receiving the kingship. His recognition of God's hand was so strong that he humbly submitted to God's will.
Souls Knit Together (Part One)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 4/26/2013
The friendship of Jonathan and David is one of the greatest friendships of the Old Testament. Jonathan's loyalty and integrity stands out in everything he does.
Pilgrims in a Strange Land
Sermonette; Given 3/30/2013
We are temporary inhabitants in an alien culture, and must be ready to move when the times are no longer propitious for our safety.
Christ's Wake-up Call to the Churches
Sermonette; Given 2/16/2013
God was responsible for our scattering, and He is not impressed with those who arrogantly proclaim they are the only ones doing the work of God.