Playlist: Offense (topic)


The Prisoners

Sermonette by Austin Del Castillo

'To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.' Forgiving and being forgiven are part of being a family.

A Root of Bitterness (2016)

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

Only by letting go of the poisonous root of bitterness can we become like our Elder Brother, Jesus Christ, and our Heavenly Father.

The Elder Brother

Sermonette by Ted E. Bowling

Like the older brother in the parable, we may have looked down on those who have stumbled. We are not equipped to judge anybody else's repentance.

'Sons of God?'

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

God gave Jesus Christ to us to restore peace, reconciliation, and harmony with God. In the Beatitudes, the peacemakers are called 'sons of God.'

New Covenant Priesthood (Part Twelve)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Our forgiveness from God is conditional, depending upon our forgiving others. It is an opportunity for us to extend grace, sacrificing as Christ did for us.

Reacting to Criticism

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

All have been guilty of malicious gossip; consequently, they should not become offended when they hear gossip about themselves (Ecclesiastes 7:21).

Anger (Part Two)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

We dare not let the sun go down on our wrath. Uncontrolled anger can be a major cause of mental and physical illness. We must reconcile with our adversaries.

Vengeance is Mine

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

Christ counsels us to love our enemies in order that we may be children of God, demonstrating not only His mercy but also our sonship by being peacemakers.

'But I Say to You' (Part Two): Murder and Anger

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Murder originates in the heart. Nothing from the outside defiles a man but originates in the heart governed by carnal human nature.

Restoration and Forgiveness

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

It is impossible to grow spiritually in a climate of animosity and jealousy. If we use the power of God's Holy Spirit, peace will accrue as a fruit.

Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

Mercy eclipses any kind of sacrifice one may offer, triumphing over judgement. The leaven of the Pharisees consists of prideful, hypocritical, merciless judgment.

Stand Fast in a Changing World

Sermon by Kim Myers

We have been warned to keep alert, watching for the return of our Savior, not living in careless ease. We should be sobered by the degenerating state of the world.

The Need for Forgiveness

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Because it is more blessed to give than to receive, the things we desire for ourselves we should be willing to give to others, including forgiveness.

Matthew (Part Twenty-Five)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Jesus contrasts the enormity of what we are forgiven to what we forgive others. Our forgiveness is directly connected with our forgiveness of our brother.

Matthew (Part Twenty-Four)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Those who are mature should be able to endure the slights of the immature, being circumspect not to lead anyone into sin through our careless example.

The Spiritual Mark of the Beast

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Anger and hostility, driven by self-centered competitive pride constitute Satan's spiritual mark that divides nations, ethnic groups, families, and the church.

Offences Must Come

Sermonette by Ronny H. Graham

Contrary to popular usage, the verb 'offend' indicates a transgression of a moral or divine standard. There is little room to be offended unless there is sin.

Joseph's Extraordinary Example

Sermon by Kim Myers

Joseph was an extraordinary type of Jesus Christ. His life and character parallels Christ's in at least 16 ways, which God purposefully foreordained.

Grateful For Reconciliation

Sermonette by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

We must remember what we were and how far God has brought us out of that place, pulled out of the muck and brought into His glory.

Blessed Are the Meek (2014)

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

In Paul's listings of virtues, meekness always appears near the end, reflecting its difficulty. Meekness is the gentle, quiet spirit of selfless devotion.

Reconciliation (Part One)

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Jesus Christ placed a high priority on reconciliation, warning us that before we engage God at the altar, we had better make peace with our brother.

Our Genetically Altered Foods (Part Three)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Our food has been hopelessly contaminated by genetic modification. However, we must not look down on others who are unable to purchase organic foods.

Judging in the Church

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Human nature is strongly competitive and full of pride, making judgment inherently problematic. Nevertheless, God wants us to learn to judge with equity.

Do Unto Others and Reap What We Sow

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Reaping good fruit does not happen immediately. If we feel we are not reaping, we must consider that we might be reaping some negative things we have sown.

New Covenant Priesthood (Part Ten)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Our obligation toward God mandates that we love our fellow human beings, even individuals who have severely wronged us.


Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

God put up with the foibles of Abraham, Samson, David, Job, and others, allowing them time to repent and build character. We need to develop this godly trait.

The Parable of the Leaven, Expanded

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Bitterness divides one member of Christ's Body from another. Individuals often look for a 'doctrinal' reason to justify leaving a congregation.

A True Disciple

Sermonette by Clyde Finklea

We must exercise longsuffering and kindness to all, including to those that have done ill to us. We are disciples of Christ if we love one another.

Communication and Coming Out of Babylon (Part 3)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

God commands us to come out of Babylon, giving us spiritual resources to do so, including faith, vision, hope, and love. These come through knowing Him.

Psalm 133 (1998)

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Unity comes only through the initiation of God. If we would follow the suggestions in Romans 12, we could do our part in promoting unity in God's church.

Pride of Life

Sermonette by Clyde Finklea

We are admonished to put out the leavening of pride and arrogance. Pride is something we loathe in someone else, but tolerate in ourselves.

By This Shall All Men Know You

Sermon by John O. Reid

A native practice involves leaving a young man on a remote island with only a bow and arrows until he learns to become a man, and God does something similar.

Hebrews as a Sermon (Part Two)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

God designed the sermon of Hebrews to motivate God's people, who are going through the same turmoil as those living in 65 AD, facing persecution from society.

Remember the Christians

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

God made the gospel available to the Gentiles to provoke Israel to jealousy. The key to breaking down the enmity and animosity is to put on Christ.

'But I Say to You' (Part Six): Retaliation

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Jesus, using hyperbole to shock His disciples into a change of behavior or attitude, emphasizing that they should resist the impulse to retaliate.

God's Faithfulness and Hope

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The children of Israel severely tested God's patience through their compulsive murmuring and faithlessness, but God refused to give up on them.

Casting Pearls

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Jesus warns His disciples not to cast their pearls before those not called or those acting contemptuously to God's truth and would attack the messenger.

Spotting False Teachers

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

True shepherds have genuine concern for the flock, as opposed to hirelings who only devour or take advantage of the flock.

Submitting (Part 2)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Seeking our will at the expense of the group makes conflict inevitable. Society work only when everyone submits to one another in the fear of Christ.

Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Twenty-Nine)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

We are not privy to God's, but we must realize that He has the prerogative to impose both blessings and calamity, the latter in response to disobedience.

Pure Language Restored

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Martin G. Collins

When we repeat negative expressions, they become reinforced, and we develop a negative disposition. Our spoken words reinforce our thoughts.

Communication and Coming Out of Babylon (Part 1)

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The demons who already inhabit the earth look upon us as interlopers. We need to monitor our thought impulses, lest we be bothered by demons.

Unity (Part 3): Ephesians 4 (A)

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

God alone chooses the servants through whom He works His will. Sometimes the rationale God uses for selecting His vessels defies worldly wisdom.

Of One Accord

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Confusion and separation have been man's legacy since Eden. Christ is working to put an end to division, enabling us to be one with the Father and each other.

Soldiers of Christ

Sermonette by Ryan McClure

Paul enjoins God's people to enlist as soldiers of Christ, enduring hardship, keeping themselves from the world, and putting on armor for spiritual battle.

Using God's Given Authority

Sermon by Mark Schindler

God has gifted all His called-out ones, expecting them to use those gifts with the pillars of godly wisdom for the edification of the Body of Christ.

Offended By Truth

Sermonette by Ronny H. Graham

Jesus Christ has become a stumbling block to the nations which reject Him, while at the same time becoming the Chief Cornerstone of a spiritual Temple.

Enduring to the End

Sermonette by Ryan McClure

The antidote to post-Feast blues is to get our heads in God's Word, meditating on the topic of endurance, thinking about what it takes to endure to the end.

What's Wrong With the Kids?

Sermonette by Mike Ford

A major factor of the snowflake syndrome is the self-esteem movement, which has brainwashed young people into thinking they were unique and special.

Faith to Carry Us to the Millennium

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Kim Myers

How do we get the faith we need to endure this present age? Living faith requires that we match hearing with productive works.

Becoming Like Little Children

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Kim Myers

The Millennium and subsequent Kingdom of God with the New Jerusalem, a venue of peace and innocence, will be bequeathed to the humble and pure of heart.

Wilderness Wandering (Part Five)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Christ's suffering was not confined to crucifixion, but also consisted of rejection, humiliation, and the duress of persecution. Glory follows suffering.

Loving Christ

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Participation in Christ's life is the source of all good. Regardless of what church group we are in, we must establish a relationship with Christ.

Responding to Catastrophe

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

How are we going to react when the next disaster strikes our area? Are we going to gripe and complain? Are we going to sit and wait for somebody to help us?

Hebrews 12 and 13: Advice for the End Time

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

We must lay aside every weight, accept God's chastening, receive encouragement from those who have gone before, and get back into the spiritual race.

The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Twenty-Two)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The Gnostics criticized by Paul in Colossians 2:16-17 were guilty of bringing in ritualistic ascetic discipline to propitiate demons.

Four Views of Christ (Part 3)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The dominant emphasis of Matthew is the kingly qualities of Jesus as a descendant of the royal house of David, representing the Lion of Judah.

Psalm 23 (Part Two)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Sheep are the most dependent on their owner for their well-being. From the viewpoint of the sheep, the quality of care of the shepherd is of utmost importance.

Offerings (Part Three)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

The meal offering (grain offering) represents fulfilling our duty to our neighbor. he materials used in the meal offering symbolize Jesus' perfect character.

Matthew (Part Sixteen)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Matthew 11 focuses upon the ruminations of John the Baptist, who, even though he was close to Christ, may have misunderstood the nature of Christ's mission.