Sermonette: Yoked With Christ, Our Helper


Given 28-May-23; 18 minutes


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On the evening of Jesus Christ's last Passover as a human, He promised His disciples, then and now, the coming Helper or Paracletos (John 16:7), namely the receipt of the Holy Spirit or mind of Christ (I Corinthians 2:16). Paracletos, also rendered as helper or one who goes alongside, clarifies another biblical metaphor of taking Christ's yoke, made easier by His taking on the dominant share of pulling, making our load easier (Matthew 11:28-30). In this metaphor, Christ is likened to the mature ox who keeps His eyes on the path ahead, while we are likened to the immature ox, distracted at the surroundings. God the Father is likened to the teamster who guides the mature ox, who is in perfect alignment with the will of the teamster. If we, the immature oxen, are tethered to Christ, our work of overcoming and enduring will be made immensely easier, realizing that we do not carry the burdens by ourselves.

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