
playlist Go to the Egypt, Returning to (topic) playlist

You Have Not So Learned Christ

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

While the truth of Christ has the power to elevate, our worldly orientation blinds us, dulls our minds, and pulls us downward to abject slavery to sin.

Unleavened Bread Basics

Sermon by David C. Grabbe

Having an accurate set of facts does not guarantee that one will reach an accurate conclusion. In our prior reasoning for keeping the Feast of Unleavened Bread, even though all the reasons stressed God's work of deliverance from Egypt, we inadvertently overstressed our part in coming out of sin rather than God's deliverance from …

Preventing the Warfare State

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Satan has taught mankind the craft of war between nations, within families, in politics, and in sports. We must resist being dragged into partisan battles.

Abraham (Part Five)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

We learn from Abraham's experience to trust God even when we have incomplete information. When we attempt to take the expedient way out, we will run into trouble.