Sermon: Everlasting Consolation and Good Hope


Given 12-Feb-22; 72 minutes


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In this grim period of government propaganda, spreading fear and anxiety over the mainstream media, everyone has experienced discouragement, with staggering numbers of individuals experiencing major clinical depression. Depression afflicts all age groups, both genders, all races, and all socio-economic groups. Sadly, because of the media-created insanity, suicide is up 600%. Depression can have a reactive cause, such as loss of a spouse or loss of a job, or the onset of a pathogenic physical disease. Any time God's laws are violated, the transgressors place themselves at the 'mercy' of the prince and power of the air or the course of the world. Although not all depression is demon influenced, overwork, exhaustion, fear, poor diet, and lack of sleep renders one susceptible to adrenal depletion. God's saints are not immune to depression. Job, Moses, and Elijah all felt so overwhelmed, they wanted God to take their lives. Even after the display of abundant miracles, Elijah became physically exhausted, assuming a worst-case outcome, focusing upon the problem and himself, to which Almighty God 1.) gave him proper nourishment, 2.) gave him a new realistic focus (assuring Elijah that he had 7000 allies, 3.) gave him new hopeful expectations (through a still small voice) and 4.) gave him some errands to perform (restoring his sense of usefulness). God will help us to defeat depression if we 1.) focus on our awesome Creator, 2.) remember our spiritual goal of preparing for our role in the Kingdom, 3.) pray and study God's Word, 4.) be patient with God and others, 5.) be content, thankful, and generous, 6.) make each day count for good, and 7.) stay faithful to God no matter what happens or appears on the horizon. When our resources fail us, Christ comforts us. As we endure His sufferings, we also experience His consolations.

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