Feast: Sacrificial Service Within the Body


Given 04-Oct-23; 42 minutes


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We have all been placed into the Body of Christ with unique gifts God has graciously given to each of us for a pleasing burnt offering service for His glory. As the apostle Paul has counseled us in Philippians 3: 13-14, using an allusion to the Greek races, we must keep our eye steadily on the prize, straining every nerve to obtain it. As God's chosen saints, we will make more rapid advances in piety by looking forward than by looking backward. If we dwell on the past, we face the danger of being melancholy and dispirited rather than a warm-hearted and active friend of Our Savior. If we spend our time pondering our gloomy past or our prior unfaithfulness , or on the other hand, what we have done or accomplished, we risk becoming puffed up with self-complacency. Our motivation should be to emulate Jesus Christ, having a perfect mind and heart of outgoing concern instead of a self-centered mind that will either cause depression or pride. Over the years, we see that God has provided us with spiritual siblings offering their own contribution of one sort or the other in some kind of sacrificial service to the Body. We are all in this together and in service to each other, as well as to the world, in a way the world cannot even begin to appreciate now. Each of us has a type of ministerial service as a guiding light within the Body no matter what part of the Body we have been placed.

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