The Momentum of Sin Redux
Sermonette; Given 5/11/2024
Like Lot, many of us are rapidly running out of time to take corrective action. All of us are subject to inertia and momentum, resisting needed change.
The Momentum of Sin
Sermonette; Given 4/6/2024
Both David and Eve failed to slow down the momentum of their carnal lusts. The momentum of sin is dangerous, especially when the consequences appear to be far away.
Focus on the First
Sermonette; Given 1/20/2024
We need to be less concerned about world events and more concerned about our relationship with God. The more serious conflict is the one within our heads.
Death by Debt
'WorldWatch' Article; Posted 1/13/2024
The United States' national debt has ballooned to over $34 trillion, and it gives no sign of stopping. Economic hardship, if not death by debt, looms.
Go With Him Two
Sermonette; Given 11/4/2023
We have all kinds of rights, but not all rights should be exercised if we have opportunities to demonstrate God's way of give to total strangers.
Expecting Miracles
Sermonette; Given 10/2/2023
In this age of skepticism, we must still believe in miracles, recognizing the uniqueness of our calling, given to a precious few at this time.
Preparing To Work
Sermonette; Given 9/2/2023
The Millennium will be a time of intense work to repair the damaged infrastructure and the depleted and poisoned soil, bringing it back up to Edenic standards.
Where Have All the Babies Gone?
'WorldWatch' Article; Posted 8/23/2023
Western nations, producing too few babies, are not maintaining their populations. Immigration is not a workable solution, only causing society turmoil.
Sermonette; Given 7/15/2023
We must consider our ways, especially in times of stress when continuous disruptions throw us into confusion and impede physical and spiritual progress.
To Vote or Not to Vote
Sermonette; Given 5/20/2023
God has power over all governments. Because all power ultimately derives from God, we should not presume to take the authority to raise up leaders.
A Matter of Trust
'WorldWatch' Article; Posted 5/17/2023
Artificial intelligence is now a reality. How will it affect society? AI could be used to deceive, so Christians must be wary, knowing whom they trust.
The Good Ol' Days
Sermonette; Given 4/6/2023
Many try to run away from the pessimistic view of the future by retreating into the past, a nostalgic participation in the 'good old days.'
Sermonette; Given 2/25/2023
Change or open-mindedness without wisdom is foolish and perverted, as one can see by the horrendous fruits of the Boomer's open-minded permissiveness.
American Education: A System Destroyed
'WorldWatch' Article; Posted 1/25/2023
Once envied, the U.S. educational system is in a deplorable state. Federal meddling and rampant liberalism have cratered the institution nationwide.
Birds of a Feather
Sermonette; Given 12/3/2022
The early church demonstrated camaraderie in Acts 2. We are known by our love for one another and need to see ourselves as members of God's team.
Slowly Sinking
'WorldWatch' Article; Posted 11/9/2022
Recently, the vaunted power of the American armed forces has begun to erode under weak and vacillating leadership, undermining its hegemony.
Sermonette; Given 10/22/2022
If God's people do not believe they are lovable, they may deprive others of a blessing by refusing to accept charitable help from a spiritual sibling.
Sermonette; Given 10/13/2022
Our motives must be to serve God and our spiritual siblings rather than elevating ourselves. Are we trying to help or merely putting on a show?
Fault Lines
Sermonette; Given 9/17/2022
The blame game has escalated from everywhere, including the political left and right, not unlike tectonic plates colliding, causing a major earthquake.
Unsharpened (Part Two)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 8/19/2022
Have we convinced ourselves that unity of fellowship within our group, our congregation—our spiritual family—is just too hard?