Pulling the Plug
'WorldWatch' Article; Posted 7/13/2022
The technology behind alternative energy sources cannot handle demand, and they create ecological problems of their own.
Living in Limbo
Sermonette; Given 6/25/2022
The year 2020 made the lesson plans for the walk of faith heavier and has greatly increased the uncertainty for the entirety of the world's populace.
Hijacking Peace
Sermonette; Given 5/21/2022
The world has no idea where peace comes from because they have long ago rejected the Prince of Peace and His prescription for tranquility.
What Lies Beneath
Sermonette; Given 4/9/2022
If we let our emotions rule, we can lose a lifetime acquisition of reputation in a split second. When Jesus Christ undergirds us, there is stability.
Blame Games
Sermonette; Given 3/26/2022
The tendency to point fingers at others is hard-wired into human nature. Mistakes are the portals of discovery if we admit them and learn from them.
The Vulgar State of America
'WorldWatch' Article; Posted 3/14/2022
A coarse and vulgar spirit has overtaken modern culture and its entertainments, one we must counter with personal purity.
The World's Buckling Supply Chain
'WorldWatch' Article; Posted 12/8/2021
The COVID-19 pandemic produced an unexpected side-effect: a prolonged, global interruption of the transport and delivery of goods — a supply chain crisis.
Sermonette; Given 12/4/2021
God uses isolation as a tool for a plethora of reasons—some for protective purposes, some for quarantine, some for correction, some for punishment.
Waving the White Flag
Commentary; Given 9/11/2021
The radical Islamic forces, like hungry sharks, are circling America and the West, smelling blood in the water and the scent of fear from a defeated nation.
The Point of No Return
Commentary; Given 8/7/2021
Even before COVID-19, Americans were gripped by anxiety, fear, and depression, pointing to an unrecognized but quickly spreading mental health pandemic.
A Drop to Drink
'WorldWatch' Article; Posted 8/3/2021
The American West is once again under severe drought conditions, and now a first-ever federal water-shortage declaration on the Colorado River will be announced.
If You Can Keep It
Sermonette; Given 7/10/2021
Americans, having by and large lost both their morality and their sense of vigilance, now stand on the verge of losing the republic.
Can You Hear Me Now?
Commentary; Given 5/22/2021
A collection of suggestions as to how everyone may contribute to a better Sabbath broadcast.
Blurring the Lines
Commentary; Given 4/24/2021
The Destroyer has mastered the craft of redefinition, blurring boundaries, eliminating the defining lines between evil and good, profane and holy.
Universal Basic Income
'WorldWatch' Article; Posted 4/19/2021
Some politicians are proposing legislation to give cash handouts on a regular basis - a new, permanent entitlement program without regard to employment.
The Back Door
Sermonette; Given 3/6/2021
Satan knows how to exploit the vulnerabilities of carnal nature for his purposes. Satan's tireless efforts to hack the human mind steal valuable time.
The Abuse of Freedom
Commentary; Given 2/20/2021
Change agents in the United States are engaging in a deliberate assault on free speech, which the Founding Fathers protected through the Bill of Rights.
The Sound of Someone Listening
Sermonette; Given 1/16/2021
It behooves God's people to learn to listen, never missing a good chance to 'shut up.' We must practice the sound of silence.
'Political' Science
'WorldWatch' Article; Posted 12/29/2020
Due to the high level of respect for science, political and cultural leaders are selectively using it to push agendas that contradict established facts.
The Vetting
Sermonette; Given 12/5/2020
We must take a closer look at ourselves, inviting God into the vetting process, recognizing the difference between what we are and how we present ourselves.