Sermonette: The Sabbath a Delight

Sabbath is an Exquisite Delight

Given 04-Jun-05; 12 minutes



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Isaiah 58:13-14 tells us to make the Sabbath a delight. The Sabbath pictures a freedom from bondage and prefigures the joy of living in God's Kingdom. The Sabbath infuses us with hope. God wants us to focus upon the pleasantness of the day, spending the time with the Bridegroom and the Creator of the universe. Although it may appear the same as any other day, God alone has made this time holy. God wants us to observe the Sabbath as He does. God's Sabbath is a test or sign, determining those who are His, indicating whether we will live under His authority. We delight only in the things we hold valuable; we must esteem and take delight in this precious period of time.

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