Sermonette: Change Readiness

Attributes of Successful Change

Given 30-Jul-05; 16 minutes



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As shown in Ephesians 4:21-24, we are obligated to undergo a total change to become a "new man" conformed in Christ's image. We need to: 1) start doing something that we have not done before, 2) start doing something more that we currently do not do enough, 3) stop doing something we should not do, and 4) stop doing something less, which, although not wrong, is not helping us grow. Our carnality, background, and ingrained habits, like a bent spring or hardened piece of rubber, staunchly resists change. We change by 1) developing change readiness, asking God to help us recognize the changes we need to make, 2) developing endurance required to make change, realizing it takes at least 21 days to form a habit, and 3) developing faith in God, using the power of God's Spirit to overcome. We must envision in the mind's eye the change as already taking place.

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