Sermonette: Prosperity Through Obedience, Sacrifice, and Gratitude

God's Way to True Riches

Given 13-Apr-06; 18 minutes


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To date, America has 8.9 million millionaires and 371 billionaires. The physical blessings given to Abraham's offspring have become the envy of the entire world. God desires prosperity and well-being for His chosen people, and has blessed many of the patriarchs and prophets with unbelievable wealth. If we follow the godly principles of obedience, sacrifice, and gratitude, we please God. In return, God has promised to bless us not only with supplying our physical needs, but also promises health, wisdom, and peace of mind. God is the owner of all the bounty in the entire universe. In our offerings we need to demonstrate obedience, be willing to sacrifice, and display gratitude for what God has done for us already, and in due time we will prosper.

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