Sermonette: Jesus is Lord Over the Sabbath

Acknowledging God's Authority Over His Sabbath

Given 10-Jun-06; 14 minutes



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In most situations, God is not recognized or acknowledged in the decision to keep a segment of time holy. The Sabbath was made by Almighty God for man; not man for the Sabbath, established from creation, long before God made any formal covenant with mankind. Only God can make something holy; the Sabbath is holy because God's very presence makes it holy. Jesus Christ has been designated as the Lord over the Sabbath. The Roman Catholic Church has taken full credit for establishing Sunday as the Lord's Day. But no man or organization of man can make something holy. We, as the Israel of God, dare not profane this holy time, but must rest from the world's influence and pulls. As children of our Heavenly Father, we have the opportunity to honor Him by acknowledging His presence in this day.

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