Forerunner: Preparing Christians for the Kingdom of God

Are We Ready for Change? (November-December 2008)

November-December 2008
Volume 17, Number 6

A monarch butterfly awaits the final stage of its metamorphosis. The Christian life is similar: a series of changes from our sinful, carnal nature to the righteous spiritual nature of God. However, we tend to resist change, satisfied with the way we are. How do we prepare ourselves to make those necessary changes? (Alamy)

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
The Fourth Commandment

At creation, God sanctified only one day, the seventh, as a day of rest. At Sinai, He once again sanctified it as a holy day, connecting it with creation and freedom. John Ritenbaugh expands on these concepts, showing that God wants us to keep the Sabbath to support our continuing spiritual creation and freedom.

Ready Answer
From Sheriff to Shepherd:
Are We Willing to Be Defrauded?

by David F. Maas

Which leadership style do you follow: Andy Griffith's or Barney Fife's? Using experiences from his own life, David Maas explains that the desire to be in control and to win takes a toll on both one's relationships and one's health.

Prophecy Watch
The Other Great Tribulation

by Charles Whitaker

For centuries, Christians have anticipated the coming of the end-time Great Tribulation, prophesied by Jesus in Matthew 24. However, Charles Whitaker describes a historical great tribulation, comparing it to what has happened in the United States since the 1930s.

Are We Ready for Change?
by Bill Onisick

The apostle Paul describes the Christian life as a process of change: from the old man to the new man. Human beings, though, typically resist change because it is difficult. Bill Onisick provides advice on how we can make the process of change more organized and perhaps a bit easier too.

The European Financial Crisis

by David C. Grabbe

The news these days is all about the moribund economy of the United States, yet Europe—an economy just about as large as America's—is also in financial straits. David Grabbe shows that the nations of Europe are currently in no position to "take advantage" of the situation and become a world superpower.

Bible Study
The Miracles of Jesus Christ:
Healing a Centurion's Servant (Part One)

by Martin G. Collins

When the Roman centurion sent his emissaries to ask Christ to heal his servant, Jesus responded with great praise for the centurion's faith. Martin Collins examines the accounts of this miracle, focusing on the centurion's relationship with the servant and the emissaries' responsibility in carrying their master's message.