Forerunner, January 12, 2003


Was it folly, Josiah - pride? -
That inspired you to disobey,
You, who turned neither left nor right,
Who walked as David did, God's way?

By Pharaoh God sent you warning,
Saying, "Why fight, King of Judah?
Why hasten the day of mourning?
Stay home! God warns you, Josiah!"

But disguised you fought Egypt's lord.
His archers shot you, unaware
Amon's good son had bared his sword
In reckless despite of God's care.

Did pride make you think, Judah's horn,
That you could disregard the Lord?
Now Zion's hope-robbed people mourn,
Lamenting a prince so adored!

What of the fine works of your youth,
When you purged of idolatry
Israel's land and restored truth?
All this you did devotedly.

You cleansed the Temple of heathen.
And Baal's foul altars you tore down.
You praised the true God of heaven
throughout the land, in every town.

You grieved when the law scroll was found,
Thick with dust of ancient neglect,
And that God's good way would abound,
Read it to all with deep respect.

Did your worthy deeds puff you up?
Did your virtue make you haughty?
God offered you a brimful cup,
Which you drank, then tossed in folly!

(revised March 8, 2006)