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Living Stones in God's House

Article by Staff

Solomon's glorious Temple must have been a sight to behold. God's church, however, is His Temple now—and each of us living stones in it.

Living Stones

Sermon by Ted E. Bowling

I Peter 2:9 reveals how precious we are to God, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, and a living stone fitted to join our spiritual siblings.

Is a Rock Just a Rock to God?

'Ready Answer' by Bill Keesee

God calls us 'living stones' in I Peter 2. Here is why this description is a very fitting view of God's work making us His jewels.

Supreme Permanence and Value

Sermonette by Martin G. Collins

Our offerings must reflect the radiance of Christ. Only God can assess the quality of light in the precious stones He has called.

Lacking Nothing (Part One)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Scarcity seems to redefine the value of everything, including tools, food, or sentimental objects. Utility trumps every other consideration.