It's All Relative
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
We frequently hear our culture labeled as postmodern. What is postmodernism? How is it related to relativism? Richard Ritenbaugh explains these terms and shows examples of them in politics, music and advertising — and gives God's opinion of it.
'World Watch' by Staff
News, events and trends as they relate to prophecy and the end times for May 1998.
Bible Study by Martin G. Collins
Longsuffering, or patience, the fourth fruit of the Spirit, is a much needed virtue in a fast-paced, impatient world. This Bible Study highlights the basics of this godly attribute.
The Fruit of the Spirit: Joy
'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
Joy, the second fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22, is more than just happiness. There is a joy that God gives that far exceeds mere human cheerfulness. John Ritenbaugh shows how the Holy Spirit produces it in us.
Joy and Trial
'Ready Answer' by Mike Ford
What does the Bible mean when it says we should count it all joy when you fall into various trials? What is this joy we must experience? How do we come by it? Using his personal experience with his wife's cancer, Mike Ford shows how joy and trial go together.
Christian Dating: Advice for Today
Article by Staff
How are the young people in the greater church of God supposed to approach the dating situation today? This article addresses this issue and gives advice on dating, sex and enjoying your youth.
Trends in Global Religion
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Ron Sellers, a religious trend watcher, sees great instability in world religion, and it is mirrored in God's church. Richard Ritenbaugh shows how this dovetails with Bible prophecy of the end time.
'World Watch' by Staff
News, events and trends as they relate to prophecy and the end times for April 1998.
Bible Study by Martin G. Collins
Bible study on peace, the third of the fruits of the Spirit.
The Fruit of the Spirit: Love
'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
Love is the first of the fruit of the Spirit, the one trait of God that exemplifies His character. John Ritenbaugh explains what love is and what love does.
Are You Bearing Your Cross?
'Ready Answer' by Staff
How do we, as modern Christians, bear our cross as Jesus commands? He meant far more than simply carrying a stake over our shoulders! This article shows how vital denying ourselves and taking up our cross is in following Christ.
The Branch
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
The Branch is a well-known Old Testament prophetic figure, identified as the Messiah by most people. Yet, is there more to it than that? Why is the Branch not mentioned in the New Testament? What does it mean to us?
Celebrating Birthdays
Article by Martin G. Collins
Are birthday celebrations as harmless as they seem? Do they help or hinder the growth of a child's character? This article advances a spiritual principle concerning birthdays that many do not consider.
'World Watch' by Staff
News and events from around the world for March 1998.
Bible Study by Martin G. Collins
A biblical study on the basic aspects of one of the fruit of God's Spirit, joy.
The Fruit of the Spirit
'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh
The Bible often uses agricultural illustrations in its teaching and perhaps none so frequently as the image of fruit. In Galatians 5:22-23, Paul writes of nine specific spiritual products of the work of the Holy Spirit, opposing them to human "works of the flesh." In this introductory article to a series on the fruit of the Spirit, John Ritenbaugh considers fruit as a biblical symbol and the necessary elements required to produce fruit that pleases God.
Why the Transfiguration?
'Ready Answer' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Why was Jesus transfigured on the mount? What did it mean? What was it designed to teach the apostles? Richard Ritenbaugh shows the significance of this wonderful miracle.
Symbolism and Duality
'Prophecy Watch' by Staff
This article tackles the issues of symbolism, duality and analogies in prophecy. These show that the Scripture was written for us and our admonition today!
The Importance of Follow-Through
Article by David F. Maas
Just as important as follow-through is in an athletic motion, its spiritual counterpart is vital to our life in Christ. We must have the will and commitment to carry our devotion to God through to the very end.
'World Watch' by Staff
News and events from around the world for February 1998.