Is the Love of Many Growing Cold?
Sermonette; Given 4/3/2010
If we only judge love by how we perceive it, we will miss a lot. We all show God's love imperfectly, but we can improve our perception of love demonstrated by others.
The Problem with Untrustworthiness
Sermonette; Given 3/30/2010
We are surrounded by examples of untrustworthiness in our society that directly influence our view of God as well.
The Lisbon Treaty and the Future of Europe
'WorldWatch' Article; Posted 2/2/2010
What are the ramifications of an EU with the power and authority to act as a cohesive whole? Will the members choose to act in a united fashion?
Bearing Much Fruit
Sermonette; Given 1/23/2010
Having strong spiritual roots (being thoroughly tapped into Jesus Christ) allows us not only to survive, but to bear fruit.
The Desires of Our Heart
Sermonette; Given 12/26/2009
When we delight in God, it will change our heart and thus the things that we desire, from carnal to spiritual.
Manna and the Preparation Day (Part Two)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 11/27/2009
The Preparation Day is a day of 'gathering' what relates to eternity so that we can properly ingest the spiritual manna on the holy day without distraction.
Manna and the Preparation Day (Part One)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 11/20/2009
God, in His providence, gave us the Preparation Day, which sets the stage so that we can properly receive the gift of the Sabbath--His holy time.
God Breathes Where He Pleases
Sermonette; Given 11/14/2009
God the Father chooses those upon whom He breathes, referring to God's election or calling, an event where He begins to change our minds.
The Fear of the Lord is to Hate Evil
Sermonette; Given 10/31/2009
When we are vehemently opposed to everything that may bring harm or injury, we are in sync with God and His law, guarding our hearts against any trace of sin.
Islam: Dark Beginnings
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 10/30/2009
Relatively few in the Western world know the origin of Islam and the Koran, and fewer still understand the implications. What is the source of this spring?
Who Will Be Kept from the Hour of Trial?
'Prophecy Watch' Article; Posted 10/15/2009
God promises some Christians that He will keep them from the Tribulation, the 'hour of trial.' Here are the characteristics of those whom God will protect.
The Work of the Church
Sermonette; Given 10/6/2009
In our fellowship, John Ritenbaugh considers himself a pastor rather than an evangelist or prophet, making the focus on the flock first.
Holy Days, Signs, and Names
Sermonette; Given 9/19/2009
The time identified with the Feast of Trumpets will be the darkest time of the church and the world, a time Christ will need to cut short Jacob's trouble.
Obama and the Muslim World
'WorldWatch' Article; Posted 8/31/2009
In reaching out to the Muslim world, President Obama seems to be willing to sacrifice America's only true ally in the Middle East: Israel.
Why Did God Command Israel to Go to War?
Sermonette; Given 8/8/2009
God intended that the leadership of Israel bear God's sword of justice, executing His wrath upon those who are unrepentant within their own borders.
Counting It as Loss
Sermonette; Given 7/4/2009
Paul's sacrifice set the bar extremely high for all of us who would follow, counting everything as rubbish compared to his relationship with Christ.
A Subtle Yet Devastating Curse
'Prophecy Watch' Article; Posted 6/26/2009
Amos 8:11 speaks of 'a famine...of hearing the words of the LORD.' Such a famine is occurring today: The words of God are available, but few can hear.
A Root of Bitterness
Sermonette; Given 6/13/2009
Roots of bitterness can tap into neglect, worldly associations, or other diversions, poisoning the mind and defiling our spiritual outlook.
How Big Is the Pie?
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 6/5/2009
It does not glorify God when His children squabble over their respective roles and opportunities in serving, competing for the biggest piece of the pie.
Pentecost and the Wave Offerings
Sermonette; Given 5/30/2009
The wave sheaf offering and the wave offering of the two loaves on Pentecost are like bookends of the process of completing the firstfruits.