Eulogizing God
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 5/12/2017
We should want to share our stories of God's intervention and providence and the joys of our calling. We should want to pay tribute to our great, sovereign God.
Are You a Worrywart?
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 10/31/2014
Our anxieties reveal that we do not trust God's providence and care as much as we should. Worry is a false god that does nobody any good.
Are You Blind? (Part Two)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 10/11/2013
We need to cast our most discerning gazes on ourselves and, in all humility, refrain from 'fixing' others, especially when we have similar problems.
Are You Blind? (Part One)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 10/4/2013
To one extent or another, we are all blind—perhaps we are not physically without sight, but we often fail to see in some way or another.
In the Pursuit of Happiness
Sermonette; Given 8/31/2013
Happiness does not come to those who haven't labored to produce something worthy of happiness. Dr. Jacob Sokol identifies 12 things happy people do differently.
Sending Thank-Yous
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 11/23/2012
It is a big mistake to neglect expressing earnest thanks whenever it is called for. The benefits to others and to us are too valuable to pass up.
The Cursed Tree
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 1/29/2012
Jesus' cursing of the fig tree has puzzled and even disturbed Bible readers for centuries, as it just does not seem to be something our Savior would do.
What is Important?
Sermonette; Given 12/31/2011
Repentance, keeping the commandments, loving one another, studying God's Word, and believing what God says constitute the most important goals.
The Fig Tree
Sermonette; Given 11/5/2011
The fig tree is symbolic of the Jewish nation, given every opportunity to become fruitful spiritually, but was totally barren.
Do You Want To Be A Millionaire
Sermonette; Given 5/7/2011
When we apply the insights gained by millionaires spiritually, we have a powerful formula for overcoming and building character.
Timing Is Everything
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 11/1/2010
Time is an ever-present reality that we often ignore. Timing is a related issue that we ignore at our peril—it can mean the difference between living and dying.
The Sin of Partiality
'Ready Answer' Article; Posted 11/16/2007
The partiality of various biblical characters caused No end of trouble. Likewise, we need to avoid partiality for the problems it can cause in the church.