The W's and H's of Meditation (Conclusion)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon; Given 9/30/2018
Because we will ultimately turn into what we assimilate, we must take back the hijacked tool of meditation to drive out carnal thoughts.
The W's and H's of Meditation (Part Six)
Sermon; Given 9/1/2018
The admonition to remember is one of the most dominant themes in both Testaments. James teaches that the most important project is the cultivation of our minds.
The W's and H's of Meditation (Part Five)
Sermon; Given 6/2/2018
If we stockpile God's Word into our nervous systems, even though our outer man is decaying while our inner self is being renewed, we will nurture our spiritual legacy.
The W's and H's of Meditation (Part Four)
Sermon; Given 3/24/2018
Meditating on the perils of our transitory existence paradoxically leads to a longer, happier life as our portion of God's Spirit grows within us.
The W's and H's of Meditation (Part Three)
Sermon; Given 12/2/2017
Developing the daily habit of meditation on God's Word can displace that deadly carnal nature, replacing it with Godly character—the mind of God.
The W's and H's of Meditation (Part Two)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon; Given 10/6/2017
Meditating on God's Law produces profound peace and vivid memory. Meditation fosters tranquility, safeguarding the integrity of our emerging spiritual body.
The Role of the Outcasts (Part Three)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 8/4/2017
God the Father in His sovereignty evidently looks upon the experience of rejection, scorn, and humiliation as necessary precursors to godly service.
The Role of the Outcasts (Part Two)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 7/28/2017
A humble spirit is a teachable and moldable spirit, but a haughty, self-satisfied, pride-filled spirit cannot be molded or shaped into a godly vessel.
The Role of the Outcasts (Part One)
C.G.G. Weekly; Posted 7/21/2017
Why does God carve out a special role for rejects, off-scourings, and castaways? Are there characteristics of outcasts and 'undesirables' that we should copy?
The W's and H's of Meditation (Part One)
Sermon; Given 7/8/2017
We become what we think about all day long, so ruminating on carnal thoughts brings death. Conversely, meditating on the right things leads to eternal life.
Caveats About Self-Examination
Sermon; Given 3/25/2017
We must be very careful how we examine ourselves. Taking the Passover in an unworthy manner can result in serious physical or spiritual hazards.
From Pilgrims to Pillars (Part Two)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon; Given 10/21/2016
The intensity of the heat in both the refiner's furnace and the potter's kiln resembles the fiery trials we must endure for the Refiner to remove the dross.
From Pilgrims to Pillars (Part One)
Sermon; Given 10/1/2016
Sanctification is a process through which God transforms perishable raw materials into permanent, indestructible beings—literal members of the God-family.
Spiritual Leitmotifs: Patterns of Seven
Sermon; Given 5/28/2016
God's signature, the repeatable pattern of the recurring number seven, can be seen in astronomy, physics, chemistry, genetics, and all other sciences.
Removing Bars of Contention Between Brethren
Sermon; Given 12/5/2015
In a dangerous and troubled world in which everyone is being manipulated and conned into squaring off in hatred for one another, we must find common ground.
Loving God's Law: The Thread of Reality
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon; Given 9/30/2015
God considered His law so important that He sent His Son to pay for the penalties we have accrued against it, giving us also a model as to how to keep the Law.
Never Again: God's Purpose For Bad Memories
Sermon; Given 4/25/2015
After God forgives our sins, He still allows residual memories of these transgressions to remain in our memories, evidently to help us in overcoming.
A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
Sermon; Given 2/7/2015
As ambassadors, we have the responsibility to be lights, quietly modeling God's Law in our lives by exemplifying the fruits of the Spirit continuously.
Spiritual Fine Tuning
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon; Given 10/11/2014
As maturing Christians, we are called to lay aside the childlike tendency to over-correct, violently and impulsively moving from one ditch to the other.
Disinterestedness: Our Spiritual Iron Dome
Sermon; Given 8/16/2014
Solomon used self-reflexiveness to detach himself and remain disinterested to objectively describe the consequences of an array of life's experiences.