Playlist: Approaching God Through Christ (sermon series)


Approaching God Through Christ (Part One)

Serving In A Heavenly Tabernacle

Religious bumper stickers fall short of revealing the full counsel of God, which is more complex than 'believe on the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved.'

Approaching God Through Christ (Part Two)

The Brazen Altar

The brazen altar symbolized total sacrifice. We have to be willing to give up everything, bearing our own individual cross, forsaking all to follow Him.

Approaching God Through Christ (Part Three)

The Laver

The one who comes before God must be pure in body and mind. The priests had to wash themselves from a bronze laver, midway between the altar and the entrance.

Approaching God Through Christ (Part Four)

The Door and Table of Showbread

Jesus Christ is symbolized by the table of showbread in the Tabernacle, having gold utensils and vessels for bread and wine, symbolizing our fellowship with God.

Approaching God Through Christ (Part Five)

The Menorah

Though the menorah has been paired with Judaism, it should more properly be associated with Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.

Approaching God Through Christ (Part Six)

The Altar of Incense

The altar of incense in the Tabernacle was designed to create a pleasing odor, representing the sweet aroma of Jesus Christ, which covers our uncleanness.

Approaching God Through Christ (Part Seven)

Summary: Christ Is The Way

We have access to a Trailblazer, who has gone before us to show us the way. The only way can have fellowship with the Father is through Jesus Christ.

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