Playlist: Parenting (sermon series)


Parenting (Part 1): Principles

Foundational Principles of Parenting

Because of our upside down emphasis on the youth culture and its characteristic selfishness or self-centeredness, the family is crumbling and deteriorating.

Parenting (Part 2): Fathers


Patriarchy is family organization with the father having ultimate authority. The husband's role, grounded in love, must not be abusive or domineering.

Parenting (Part 3): Mothers


The mother provides a gentle, cherishing quality to child rearing compatible with the strength provided by her husband.

Parenting (Part 4): Discipline

Factors in Correction

Realizing that parental authority must be used with godly love, the prompt discipline we mete out should be fair and appropriate.

Parenting (Part 5): Methods

Training Children

Of the various approaches to discipline, spanking is really the only method endorsed by the Bible. Properly administered, spanking smarts but leaves no bruises.

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