Playlist: Earth, Re-creation of (topic)
The Fall of Satan
Sermonette by Richard T. RitenbaughHelel became lifted up in pride because of the abundance of his trading, leading him to be excessively competitive, driving him to resentment against God.
Who Do You Trust? (Part Three)
Sermon by Mark SchindlerThe corruption of sin was brought on the world through the rebellion of Satan and his fallen angels, an event which took place between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.
How Much Longer Do We Have?
Sermonette by David C. GrabbeWhen Christ returns, we cannot be at odds with Him at all, but must have been attending to the salvation process, putting our spiritual houses in order.
The Absence-Presence Dichotomy and God's Spirit
Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)Paul's use of the presence-absence dichotomy clarified that absence does not materially affect the Work of God because the same Holy Spirit is always present.
No Failsafe Needed
Sermon by Mark SchindlerThe free-will God has allowed mankind has led to some tragic consequences or disruptions, but none of these are outside of His control.
The Christian Walk (Part Two): In Light
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughTo His disciples, Christ admonishes us to follow the light, imitate (or do) the light, and become sons of the light; to not just reflect light but become it.
The Third Day (Part One)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughBiblically, the third day carries much historic and prophetic significance.
From Rubble to Utopia
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThe World Tomorrow is not going to happen because of an instantaneous miracle. God takes His time to produce both physical and spiritual changes.