Playlist: Encouragement from Friends (topic)


Thank You For Being A Friend

Sermonette by Ted E. Bowling

True friendship is not just a casual relationship, but a deep commitment of trust, enabling the sharing of our deepest thoughts without fear of betrayal.

We Are Part of Something Special

Sermonette by Ted E. Bowling

As we mature, our rough edges become smoothed, and we become thankful for the bond between us, looking for ways to edify one another.

Prayer and Fervency

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Living faith has its roots in fervently, diligently seeking God and His righteousness with intense desire (like a passionate lover) through habitual prayer.

The Post-Resurrection Last Words of Christ (Part Two)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

It is presumptuous to cast aspersions on Thomas, using the cliché 'Doubting Thomas,' as he was braver than most of us would have been in his circumstances.

John (Part Twenty-Eight)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

The book of John provides a plethora of signs corroborating Christ's authenticity and also shows how to live as God would live if He were a man.

Hebrews (Part Five)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

The ancient Israelites resisted the gospel, refusing to mix it with actual obedience. What they heard never became a part of their lives; Egypt never left them.

Running God's Marathon With Christ

Sermon by Mark Schindler

Christ endured many more than three temptations; rather, He was tested continuously, and perhaps the intensity increased as He neared the end of His life.

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