Biblestudy: Character and Leadership


Given 04-May-24; 72 minutes


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God has called us to become His sons and daughters, which implies a calling to leadership. Our sanctification process is leadership training to prepare us for roles of authority in God's kingdom. God requires leaders in His kingdom to have perfect, righteous character like Jesus Christ. Those with low character will not be allowed to rule. Christian leaders should exhibit Christ-like qualities such as truth speaking, upholding standards, listening to others, giving gifts, and remaining humble. Humility is essential for leadership. Despite His great authority, Christ humbled Himself to serve others and set an example for us. We must assume lowliness rather than take honor for ourselves. God supplies gifts and grace so we can grow in Christ's character and leadership. What we lack is fully giving ourselves to the process of transformation. Our choices now will affect our ability to lead millions in the Kingdom. The key is developing the godly character and attitude of service exemplified by Jesus Christ, who leads by giving rather than taking. This is the heart of Christian leadership.

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