Sermonette: The Dew of Heaven

God's Spirit

Given 19-Jul-08; 19 minutes


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The complexity of God's creation is seen in the myriad forms of precipitation. Arctic regions almost have no rain but have an abundance of snow while tropical regions have an abundance of rain, but not a flake of snow. The temperate zone has abundant amounts of dew and dewfall. In arid regions where rains come only seasonally, the presence of dew is life-giving. Metaphorically, dew may refer to abundant blessings, as is seen in Abraham's blessing on Isaac. Dew could also metaphorically be applied to God's Holy Spirit or God's truth, poured out on God's church, but withheld in times of apostasy, leading to scattering or Diaspora. After the death of Herbert W. Armstrong, God's people have been scattered to the four winds. Without the dew of heaven poured out physically and metaphorically, we have no chance of surviving drought-physical or spiritual.

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