Sermonette: Refuser of Festivities
Attitude Towards Others Happiness
Ronny H. Graham
Given 27-Sep-08; 17 minutes
description: (hide) While we should refuse to participate in the pagan holidays, when it comes to God's Holy Days, we cannot become a selfish churl, modeling our behavior after Satan's sullen behavior, or Jonah's sullen and resentful temperament after Nineveh's repentance. We need to emulate God's longsuffering and patience, rejoicing when people repent. David's wife Michal, Saul's daughter, also demonstrated churlish and contemptuous behavior when David danced before the Ark of the Covenant. After the children of Israel were led out of Egypt, they repeatedly grumbled and complained about their conditions, keeping themselves out of the Promised Land. The Pharisees churlishly grumbled about the miracles of Jesus Christ, attributing them to Satan. When we attend God's Feasts, we should not grumble about conditions and events, working ourselves into a disgruntled attitude, realizing that godliness with contentment is great gain.