Sermonette: Godly Jealousy
God's Consuming Love
Ronny H. Graham
Given 08-Nov-08; 18 minutes
description: (hide) How can God can have the trait of jealousy? When carnal nature gets jealous, it manifests itself as self-centeredness, but when God gets jealous, it is in a protective context, as a parent would protect a child. God often miraculously intervenes in our lives in seemingly impossible situations. The characterization of God as a consuming fire may refer to the cleansing purifying powers of a fire with the soothing changing colors of the embers. The jealousy and the desire God has to purify us is perfectly righteous. We need to emulate the godly or divine jealousy of God the Father when it comes to our relationships with our brethren. Godly jealousy is the epitome of Fatherly love for His children.