Sermonette: God Wants Us to Think and Remember

Remembering Keeps Us Humble

Given 29-Nov-08; 17 minutes


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The Pilgrims were at Plymouth Rock in 1621, a time which the Colonists and 91 Native Americans gave thanks to Almighty God for preserving them through the first year. Our national forbears, like our earlier forbears on the Sinai, realized that God had richly blessed them, providing all their needs. Unfortunately, just as the original children of Israel murmured, the inhabitants of modern Israel complain just as vociferously. We, the Israel of God, must express continual thankfulness, remembering that God's mercy endures forever, not allowing anything or anyone to come between us. God wants us to give Him thanks and praise, living our lives in service to him and service to others. Love is gratitude and thankfulness. We are obligated to be thankful and praise the Lord, submitting our lives into His hands, allowing God to sanctify us.

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