Sermonette: Moral Courage

Courage is Upholding Godly Morality

Given 17-Jan-09; 19 minutes


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A courageous pilot landed his plane in the Hudson River, saving all his passengers. Moral courage seems to be becoming extinct. In the movie Lonesome Dove, ex-Texas Ranger, Jake got involved with an outlaw gang, ending up hanged by his former friends Gus and Call for his transgression. Many fraudulent, investment schemes have gone undetected today because people lacked the moral courage to put a stop to the evil and chicanery. The Bible is replete with examples of moral courage, including David, Samson, Joseph, and Esther, who bravely went into the chamber of the king uninvited. No matter how terrifying our choices may be, if we put our faith in God, we will be given the courage to make them.

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