Sermonette: The Greatest Treasure
Staying Focused on What Matters
Ted E. Bowling
Given 29-Sep-12; 15 minutes
description: (hide) People treasure strange things, such as a lock of hair from a celebrity that sells for $40,000. Many of us treasure the ability to own a home or have a job. When we were called, we were given a priceless gift—namely God's precious Holy Spirit. We are obligated to grow in the Spirit. Although neither Simon Magus nor anyone can buy the Spirit. This gift comes with a cost; we must devote our entire lives to maintaining a relationship with God. Our real treasure is our citizenship in the Kingdom of God. We are easily distracted; Satan knows how to divert and distract us. It is important to keep our vision, remembering Lot's wife, who looked longingly back. Only the unmarried daughters were left with Lot. God's gifts are permanent, but the distractions are many, including alcohol, drugs, a special cause, a family member, or countless other things. We need to continually be on guard for we do not know where the distractions will come from. Realizing that everything in this physical life is temporary, we understand that only our life with God will matter. Let us be alert and stand guard, not allowing anything to come between God and us.