Sermonette: Something Fishy


Given 09-Apr-16; 21 minutes


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Roman Catholics practice eating fish on Friday as a form of penance, commemorating Christ's supposed death on 'Good' Friday. The practice continues unabated as it began in the 13th century, though other acts of penance may take its place since Vatican II, except for the 40 days of Lent, when eating fish on Friday is mandatory for devout Roman Catholics. Lent supposedly represents the 40 days Jesus was tempted in the wilderness. Those who observe Lent use this time for penance, repentance, self-examination, fasting, and reflection, clearly an attempt to counterfeit certain aspects of God's Holy Days. This man-made holiday, derived from the Babylonian feast of Tammuz, allegedly pays for our sins and prepares for the "kingdom to come." Ancient Egypt celebrated a 40 day fast in honor of Osiris. Lent, never observed by the early Church, had its debut in 'Christendom" at the Council of Nicaea in 325AD. Deluded or befuddled apologists advocating the observance of a holiday having a pagan origin contend that if Christ did not specifically warn us not to keep it, we are absolutely free to keep it, totally at variance with Deuteronomy 12:32. Satan dresses his days up with color, emotions, and sex, intending to trap the gullible and unwary. As God's called-out ones, we dare not be conformed with the traditions of this world, practicing counterfeits of God's Holy Days, crafted by Satan.

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