Sermonette: The Case Against Pride

Common Pitfalls of Pride

Given 10-Nov-18; 18 minutes


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We must give diligence to use what God has given us, realizing that, (1) if He has given us much, He requires much in return and (2) without Christ, we can do nothing. Consequently, realizing that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble, we dare not allow our pride to make us judgmental. If pride has overtaken us, correction is around the corner. Three symptoms of self-exalting pride include our tendency (1) to lie, building up the self by fabricating falsehoods to protect our fragile self-image, while at the same time denigrating others in order to make us feel superior; (2) to engage in foolish competitiveness, associating intrinsic worth to anything connected with transient, material possessions; and (3) to engage in intellectual pride, believing our personal 'brainchildren' are more valuable than God's Truth. The antidote to all three tendencies is humility, a virtue that does not come naturally, but one we must learn, as did Naaman, the King of Syria. Naaman went from arrogant rage a humble submission. As God's called-out ones, we must learn the godly attribute of humility, understanding that learning this lesson from Scripture is preferable to learning it by experience.

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