Sermonette: Hope Is the Strategy

Overcoming Through Our Helmet of Hope

Given 02-Mar-19; 19 minutes


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Although we can live for nearly forty days without food, we cannot live one second without hope. Hope is the ability to expect positive outcomes despite current circumstances. Faith, hope, and love are the three critical admixtures of the fuel propelling us on our spiritual journey. Hope can be more of a factor in success than IQ. In our spiritual armor, the helmet symbolizes hope, protecting our minds from Satan's fiery darts. Satan continuously strives to make our minds work against us, turning us against ourselves. The helmet of hope protects us from losing the right perspective. We remain hopeful amid trials, realizing that accepting trials will enable us to grow into Christ's image. God's Word assures us that Christ will never abandon us in the depths of our trials. If we take offense, we question God's sovereignty. God's "hopefuls" look to the future, transforming all negative thoughts into trust in God. Hope enables self-control, protecting us from the accuser of the brethren.

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