Sermonette: Good Old Age
James Beaubelle
Given 22-Jun-19; 15 minutes
description: (hide) There is a difference between "old age" and "good old age." The latter can only be attained by (1) godly wisdom, (2) obedience to law, and (3) the fear of the Lord. We must seek all three to live to a good old age of peace and contentment, avoiding the miserable existence from the "School of Hard Knocks." Always understanding that it is God who orders life, our success at a good life depends on our yielding to His direction. We will reap what we sow. The sum of right choices we make can determine whether our golden years will be happy or full of regret. We gain Godly wisdom by yielding to Christ, leaning on Him as we make decisions and progress through our spiritual journey. God promises that, if we honor our parent, we will experience long life, according to God's will. As we learn to properly fear the Lord, we will run to Him for protection rather than run from Him in shame. As God's called-out ones, we work to grow to the fullness of Christ in wisdom, obedience and fear.