Sermonette: Are We Happy?
True Happiness
Ronny H. Graham
Given 24-Aug-19; 17 minutes
description: (hide) Recent world statistics have revealed that happiness is seriously eroding in America, on a downward spiral since the 1970s. Out of a total of 196 countries, the United States has dropped to 19th place (declining 5 spaces in one year). Explanations for this decline include the Watergate controversy, the Vietnam War, decreasing confidence in government, substance abuse (now at epidemic proportions) and the captivating addiction of digital media, which separates people from face-to-face interaction. One prominent clergyman suggested that ingratitude is a major contributary cause of the decline in happiness, undergirded as it is by a pathogenic entitlement mentality, demanding more and more from government and society. Discontentedness has led to a bumper crop of self-appointed critics who arrogantly and cynically belittle the opinions of others. The Bible does not contain an overwhelming number of stories of happiness. Even the golden years of Solomon led to confiscatory taxes, leading to a biblically documented "tax revolt" after his death. Solomon, however, ultimately found the true cause of happiness, tying it inextricably to the keeping of God's Law. The inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness can only be realized when we live in gratitude for Our Creator's purpose for us