Sermonette: Days of Trials


Given 23-Oct-21; 16 minutes


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Many biblical metaphors remind God's people of their transient, fleeting life, like the grass of the field. Job suggests that man comes forth and fades away. One metaphor central to God's people is that the process of converting resembles a battle, requiring that they must put on armor, expecting continuous skirmishes in order to enter God's Kingdom victoriously. It is both a spiritual struggle as well as a physical struggle, where God's people are both trained and tested for the life to come. Daniel 7:25 warns that the saints will be persecuted and worn out, perhaps what we are beginning to witness right now. From the day that Satan deceived Eve, up until this very moment, evil has been arrayed against God's elect, and later against His Church. Those called into the Israel of God have been drafted to fight an intense spiritual battle, a battle which has apparently heated up within the past several months. Solomon in Ecclesiastes 8 warns us that there is no discharge from the war, but we desperately require fortitude as the battles heat up into a full-scale war. Thankfully, Christ has never left the battle and He has never left us. We, as God's people, must not worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6: 34) realizing and recalling how Christ has intervened for us in the past, leading us to have patience, taking a steady course through the trial. Patience of this kind will produce a serenity of the mind in the midst of suffering. Isaiah 25:8-9 demonstrates that we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.

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