Sermonette: Stressed Out
Seeking God in Stressful Times
Ryan McClure
Given 19-Feb-22; 21 minutes
description: (hide) Because of the recent supply chain crisis, serious shortages have been occurring in foodstuffs, chemicals, electronic equipment, and construction materials, but one item obviously not in short supply, but burgeoning exponentially, is stress, leading to major physical and mental disease. The American Psychological Association has revealed that the Covid-19 narrative and the subsequent tyrannical mask and vaccine mandates have led people to make New Year's resolutions regarding 1.) physical fitness, 2.) managing finances, 3.) diet, and 4.) personal relationships, with only a meager 20% concerned with spiritual concerns. Likewise, God's called-out ones try to fight stress and depression with their own meager resources rather than taking the matter immediately to God in prayer. The major luminaries of the Bible, Moses, Job, and Elijah, all suffered debilitating stress. Our Lord and Savior endured overwhelming stress, sweating blood, but trusting His Father's sovereign purpose for Him, including the position of High Priest for the called-out ones (Hebrews 4:15-16). Though stress and anxiety will always constitute a significant portion of the sanctification process, God has provided an antidote if we cast all our cares on Him in fervent prayer, resulting in a profound peace surpassing all understanding, guarding our hearts and mind through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7).