Sermonette: Before the Foundation


Given 02-Jul-22; 23 minutes


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In Romans 11:25-29, we read about the blindness given by Almighty God until the fullness of the Gentiles, ensuring the irrevocable gifts and calling promised to Abraham's offspring. The secrets of the parables are revealed to those God has chosen to understand but are meaningless to those not yet called. Once God has revealed His truth to His first fruits, it cannot be blocked by Satan, tares, or the deceptive lies of the world's Satanic-controlled media. The first prophecies about the future Church (the Bride of Christ) appear in Genesis 3:15 in which His seed will crush the serpent. After Adam had named all the animals, and not finding a proper companion for himself, God placed Adam into a deep sleep, creating a woman from his rib. Christ was a type of a second Adam, Who, would similarly succumb to a piercing of the side, dying for His bride (constituting the church). Like Adam, Christ endured the piercing so that His Helper could be brought into being. Adam, recovering from his surgery, undoubtedly needed the rest of the Sabbath. It is because of the blessing of the seventh day, that Christ's bride learns about her affianced bridegroom and receiving instructions to follow the sanctification and glorification process planned before the foundation of the world (Romans 8:29-29) preparing for the Marriage of the Lamb (Revelation 21:9), the culmination of the greatest love story ever told.

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