Sermonette: Am I Childlike or Childish
Overcoming Offences
Bill Onisick
Given 06-Aug-22; 22 minutes
description: (hide) The adjectives childlike, implying innocence and humility (Matthew 18:2-4), and childish, implying foolishness and immaturity (I Corinthians 13:11), are clearly not synonyms, but polar antonyms, placing a solid boundary between desirable and undesirable behavior. Childlike humility overlooks offenses, but childish pride causes one to strike out in retaliation when feelings are hurt, or feathers are ruffled. The Matthew 18:15 scripture is not a license to be a tattle tale, but should be used as a last resort, when applications of humility have been exhausted. The prospect of being fitted for a millstone for offending should scare us. Sadly, it is easy to offend, but it is dangerous to remain offended, allowing our hurt feelings to puff up, leading to a sharp retort, followed by a determination never to reconcile, then by a steady stream of hurtful gossip, ending in a state of bitterness, writing the alleged offender off. As we strike back like a viper, we become an offspring of Satan the devil (Matthew 12:34-37) and tares or children of the wicked one (Matthew 13:38-41), the epitome of foolish, childish behavior. In the love chapter (I Corinthians 13), we are instructed to do away with foolish, childish things.