Sermonette: Holy Convocations
Ronny H. Graham
Given 24-Sep-22; 20 minutes
description: (hide) God's patterns of seven permeate the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation beginning with the weekly Sabbath, the seven annual Sabbaths, the Feast of weeks in which we count seven, and the Feast of Trumpets in the seventh month. Seven completes both the musical scale and the color spectrum, intended by God Almighty to be a marker of divine completion and perfection throughout all creation, declaring "His invisible attributes" (Romans 1:20). Likewise, the term "holy convocations" is repeated ten times in Leviticus 23, indicating that God places utmost importance on fellowship with siblings in the faith, giving explicit instructions on preparing tithe to travel to and rejoice in the feasts created by Him so that we could enjoy His blessings with Him! This command must, of course, be measured by the biblical cautions not to fall prey to hedonism and the siren pulls of the world to defile what was intended to be holy, bringing unintended consequences (Amos 5:21-27) by failing to heed the plumbline (Amos 7:8). God's commandments are indeed commandments and not suggestions, as the majority of the "Christian" world has led their clientele to believe. We, on the other hand, must do at God's feasts what we do when we are before the King!