Sermonette: The Power of 'Thank You'
Ted E. Bowling
Given 07-Jan-23; 18 minutes
description: (hide) Some have declared that the two words "thank you" to be perhaps some of the most powerful words in the language, disarming anger and contempt, increasing healthiness and performance, and allowing one to sleep in restful peace. Though many have been taught to say "thank you" from youth, ingratitude is sharply on the rise, a tool Satan uses to divide mankind. Employees often say they wish they would be more appreciated; employers who realize this deep-felt need get more productivity from their employees. For God's chosen saints, gratitude must be at the core of their emerging character (Colossians 3:12; I Thessalonians 5:11), being thankful to Almighty God and their spiritual siblings constantly, a practice which militates against hatred toward one another. An unthankful person is spiritually flawed (Romans 1:21). As we approach the 31st anniversary of the CGG, we look back on a legacy of messages expressing gratitude, the figurative glue that cements our relationship with God. On this occasion we thank Almighty God for the tireless work for our pastor emeritus, our pastor, our elders, our speakers, our deacons, our board of directors, our transcribers, our webmaster, our sound crew, the members of our church staff, and all the members for their continued loyalty to Almighty God, a task which requires keeping on keeping on!