Sermonette: Marking the Body
Ronny H. Graham
Given 04-Mar-23; 17 minutes
description: (hide) While the practice of tattooing seemed to be confined to the military a half century ago, today it has been appropriated by the Millennials as a means of self-expression in both males and females, some who have chosen to cover every square inch of their bodies with garish, ostentatious 'artwork.' Tattooing has been practiced since the beginning of time as witnessed by the skin of unearthed mummies, displaying their warrior accomplishments or tribal identity or kinship. Tattooing stems from pagan gentile nations, but has been copied by Jacob's offspring, first as an expression of deviance and then as an acceptable form of expression. Scripture prohibits cutting or marking of the body (Leviticus 19:1-2, 28). God's called-out ones, as priests in training, cannot do whatever they want to their physical bodies and still be accepted by Him. We read in Genesis 1:26-31 that God created us in His image, proclaiming it very good. Why does man presumptuously think he knows a better way?