Sermonette: Foundation of Sand
Who Are the Church Fathers?
Craig Sablich
Given 05-Aug-23; 18 minutes
description: (hide) Several major doctrines in mainstream Christianity (the trinity, the immortal soul, and going to heaven) appear in the Bible nor are they supported by the Bible. The apostle Paul warned the Colossians of crafty, scholarly men who would try to homogenize God's truth with vain philosophy based on the tradition of men, according to basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ (Colossians 2:8). In 60 AD, this deadly philosophy began seeping into the theology of the apostolic church, so that by 200 AD, men who were regarded as church fathers, including Clement of Alexandria and Tertullian, absorbed nonbiblical elements from Greek influence and culture, leading them to teach things like Sunday being the Lord's Day, calling the resurrection day Easter, adopting the pagan trinity, and the immortality of the soul. While some in the early church tried to stay loyal to apostolic writing, the Roman Emperor, a sun worshipper and an ardent antisemitic, at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, put the coffin nail to anything appearing Jewish, including the seventh day Sabbath and clean and unclean laws. The apostle Paul warned of savage wolves taking over the unprotected flock (Acts 20:29), which is obviously a fait accompli in virtually all mainstream Christianity (Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant). We must be on guard from those so-called church fathers who teach as truth doctrines based on skewed and distorted perspectives while anchored on foundations of sand.